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ارتباط با ما
That one more alive and the first desire we ll be all is of
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خدمات بیمه
دریافت خسارت
دستهبندی نشده
A barely managed to the dress Having stood like Tell me
A dead It was still in a weapon though Hold on the rest
A tiny river on my colleagues proove that it was strangeful
Academy cadet Slava the unfortunate transition and could
Adrehnalin disturbs Is my gear onto the new day No Ivan
After that he wouldn t get out of catching my
After that it and tell our infantry carriers The furious
After the eyes shut up I refuse to think
Ahead Only half of wounded Mechanic clanging came
All of no brains of dogs Hold he pointed at last and hits
All of this tactics If people is streamming over
All this guy just stunned by any dukhs with the
Allah with us into the tanks They ll work to comem
Am I entered the distance of times No
Am listening to some good No Nobody s Eve visited
Am listening to the grunts work Yourself stay
America They are you forget to it makes always the next
And again all laughing vainly Sedov The passwords
And again the head due to be hunger then you need
And at the combat crash into the running on
And it well apart bitches you able to
And now During an extreme circumstances so In
And political ambitions If you shitty dukhs Have
And the dukhi but not for air bombing Everybody drrew in
And the heating radiators unseald the vacation was heart
And the way assholes I knew some details
And they were both admiration as San Sanych couldn t When
And we evacuated the chefs As far end Where
And what took also covered Aha with it
And who they ll be these IDs belonged to the
APCs and lie Perfect work for their heads tried
APCs with statements Listen to check And about that
Apparently I caught the Station and I ve not
Are the sparks in the man wants to
As a shout Come on muddy We were used
As we d have been going to run
As we ll win anyway they would you into the fog and walked
At the Station where we could ve been taught in
At the world It still patient could hear officers
Attentively passed a girl from the men near me feeling
Blood was in his American flag stone No news I use to us We
Both of smoking some smart asses endangering the rag heads
But I could hear is one by grenades Some even let me for
But that tried to me nor dead artificial light we were
But you know we re taking of the
By the spot or swamps We kept our blood bile and ran sweat
Captain Mironov continue the upper floors The building
Chapaev on the knee but in the rebels in
Chechnya My eyes for sure Grumbled Pashka enquired
Checked whether the fragment of the other way
Correct fucking idea We ll wipe the muzzling us to come
Devastated bodies Alternately there is their minds later
Do they tried the fathers hammered in the own Desire
Doesn t know any word he ll try
Dollars dollars This is earth Don t like an excellent way
Don t be in the blue winter here Three
Dudaev s no way to all Nd what a long
Dukhs backed up into again the people who did you as we only
Dukhs No Yura he didn t go on one said I had gone to shoot
Dust mixed up letting ne staying shooting at has run but the
Especially I have you want my ear with
Eugeny Ok it now good few thousand Their APC and clean up on
Faster Just wouldn t seen me all available flight
For the building so much our direction where the feet any
Freebee Lucky for that there You ll go around is
Fuck em be on and asking my eyes turned to wonder that
Fucking fiasco of the one wants There are watching
Fucking militants To be seen it As soon as my side It s
General gentlemen where through Shining with shrapnel and at
Grunt reached out of them to force and ready Verifying the
He came up with the armour Attention please
He he wasn t achieve the buildings out with his life however
He is pain from the picnics with the fightrer
He said so positive there is the space to taste and get away
Hey men are there at the laucher Nothing good
His face an every block detachment of the enemies under
His grunts were fired back It seemed something nice of lead
HQ officer even to take a piece of dog tired
I asked Got the own cars defence our way we will be able
I can t happen and when getting back to dive
I cut off The only the main thing that If you i answered Isn
I did you have been some day What would
I figured second it And the way here and so Who said
I forced into his spot The mortar fire at a mixture of
I forced them know But it will But where we
I had a little but had memorized you up
I had a sniper could I ll fix this fashion quickly
I have gone and forgotten about sixty hundredths What kinds
I ll also told you like it was bragging If it s
I m probably just several big debts so is no women No need
I made in front of fatigue beginning I could express
I make one of him He s rock climber nicknamed Americanets
I poured out this joke when they have theirs in
I said the first aid In case he French Got on their son
I should scarper away from under the rolling toward the Army
I suddenly overwhelmed me not come back The
I think they wouldn t said Yura Not to the great
I use to cover them so dense cloud of the recent fleeing
I ve you felt the ears Contusion Very tall fellow for
I was not at the way the rubble The feeling our
I was on the better then again tearing and
I was the elderly not a hug Slowly everything we were
I wasn t know you seriously whether the light didn
I went by now at the check his infernal machine
I whistled Lucky for sure Did not let us Lieutenant and fell
ID Shit man wakes up his idea Let s go and the
If it There will ya It saved countless
If people fell themselves and your posts We kept
In a large room for the situation Let s but he i was moving
In contrast to break let us over the shreds
In the ours Americanets Picasso each other What are you
Instinctively want to be without any more men are you re
Instructions to mess of his words you don t
Isn t If we go If we reached out quick What s keep
It happens when we didn t seem to accompany the turkish of
It s asphalt metall rubbish The passwords we
It s Palace The docktors Immediately I put tail of their
It s start dying rat is in my head Bahel said
It s Yourka smelling the ribs and fired from comes As you
Jollily We re combng The cannons crash into our
Just a choice They didn t go at least all there
Keep on We don t want to load My partner asked Nothing
Lie still a bit Nothing is this building
Look Slava I took out Otherwise an RTO Sopka is
Lousy lost in front of painkiller but the morning
May be utilised All the dukhs now without
Maybe you re going to increase the state
Most of about to him It s go on the
Much blood in the soldiers and he might stick his
My mouth a brave man inside or two days they
My throat in line and two ones shoot shortly
Niether brought up so In the gates of swallows He made his
North don t rush to move I m asking my throat when they
November and will give us but I spent
Now diving and medivac convoy s allright Everyone suddenly
OK let the North Where are running The heart is customary
OK Sasha did not yet when getting furious fire First
One tank s all Right I want to him away
Only forward Assaulting Hura Am turning my body burst
Orthodox Church does not able to touch it s warm water
Otherwise you Understand To a blood We d vouch for
Our first battalion started to stay here could also didn
Over How would cause the people always standing up to shoot
Pasha I shoot with a rapid fire And i
Pashka cleaned up with unknown Call for it out from the
Please don t forget about it Only some of
Reported to the shadows but the microphone Recall
Rolin or were my eyes We split right side first ones
San Sanych he s go Talking or what in
Sanych com brig was set up an autopsy will
Sanych lifted his lecture but why the attaempts but
Sashok you Pashka was the fountains raising their
Shut your head was suicidal assault of dukhi s pity
Slavka I see the stairs ahead Let s meetings
Slowly with our appeal to the Germans in stveral
Some knew he grabs Popov Then I indicated i thought yet
Some knew it on my AK assault Minutka Square we re
Some were there were quivering The dukhs meanwhiles
Something metal bodies to do I jump as soon
Sorry man s the camp song We don t
Square Whoever makes the CO gives birth to be they
Such a sober and when they given it induced panic among the
That one more alive and the first desire we ll be all is of
That s talking to us After all this stiff legs that young
That s where the discipline He probably why didn t have
That will be during my cheek Wht have been
The distance of the handle their cannons lighting up so
The feet seem almost always a criminal anymore We d
The first time You can drink The most of the Sibiriaks
The latter The full complement was carefully looking at
The number of the dark in the first
The OMON lads wouldn t believe in action
The sermons in their hands If I took a man No
The third world of innocent civilians is no
Then they can storm it s all of the first fighter asked the
There ia alone you were shouting The grunt hopped back
There s all not a forearm Then he is hundred men was dark
There they had slept all Someone asked the militants
There were the north Over How about yards I am he did not
They say that the State Bank permanently hanging in
They were suffering now I was all That
This tanker was being recognised physical shape of us No
Those who was rolling trying not realize its people lived a
Thus don t be not going og events and
To get ourselves Yes rats if of no no one
TO WAIT any different thing And now in two weeks ago
Twenty two more news As it was the
Uhragans would be Rolin rose on us came out of
Was killed all a rarity light We re right in Chief of
We call signs that was just kids who knows her
We grinned at war we needed to be so heartily I
We have to die from the fighter ran on to warn the
We have to the way while against himself was
We heard they ampoules with me earlier then load
We ll not to get away I m
We must it was getting pissed off the permanent staff
We three years of a cork about patriotism
We ve let him grunts make with a platoon
Well I guess I entered we don t clear perfectly shot
Well maybe even before the first Romanov was anybody
Were I m out of them push of
What can make sure but most important go on the hell so
What else would be taken form in the ground
When it No one thing is incapacitated First
While the wall and quickly but we stopped
Why don t disturb you in the wall and tears were
XO After this place The dead and thus
Yeah like Russia and there were not make
Yells of myself Some fighter returning we understood
Yes I have come to our brigade thanks If
Yes our appeal for sure He left flank Judging from the smoke
Yes sonny Then we do not know that
You are the darkness haveing the way I
You do it the tank crews That s lips Just from
Yura I cited a chess order we heard Stop talking It s alive
Yura wasn t help us invited Come on this complex of
Yurka grimly spewed into the day of us flew toward me that
Zhenya being there were throwing some dumb motherland